Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brain Droppings

Thoughts while wondering if I should skip class

*George Michael said that he wants to retire from making music because he doesn't like the current pop music situation. You know music is in trouble when the better half of Wham can't stand to listen to it

*Word has it that Christina Aguilara is getting married. Not to worry though she is still going to remain a huge whore

*I heard a rumor that Michael Jackson wanted to call Kobe Bryant to be a witness. What I want to know is would Kobe have been a character witness or give Jacko pointers on how to rape the helpless and get away with it?

*Jose Canseco wants to take a lie detector test on pay per view. Why hasn't he just contacted FOX and turn this whole thing in to some horrible reality series? You could call it something stupid yet catchy like No Way, Jose and have him sneak around offices and listen to everyone's chatter then show footage of him taking a lie detector to everyone in the office. I would watch.

*What the hell was the NBA thinking putting LeAnn Rimes and Big & Rich in the All-Star half time show? This is still bothering me. Do they even know their audience? Did they think that since the game was in Denver that only hicks would watch? And when did a rapping cowboy become cool?

*Do you think that NBA experts are starting to think that Harold Miner will never become the next Michael Jordan?

*I just realized that ESPN actually pays someone to fill out fictitious NCAA brackets. I would do it for free on one condition. Stu Scott on Stephen A Smith have to fight to the death.

*Speaking of Stephen A., I wish he would have had to go through the same thing as those former NBA players had gone through to become NBA analyst. Just so someone could tell him that he is actually trying to become an analyst, not a preacher yelling the gospel out on the street.

*Its come to the point to where after watching the end result of the show The Biggest Loser I actually uttered the phrase "wow, she doesn't look that bad" despite knowing that she could blow back up at any time.

*I wonder if television is trying to get us to absolutely despise the upper class. That is the only reason why shows like Laguna Beach, The Princes of Malibu, and The Apprentice are still on the air. The only other reason I can think of is that Americans are collectively morons.

*Did anyone else find it funny that person with the cleanest criminal record on the Portland Blazers runs around with the word "Outlaw" on his back. I find hilarious.

*I think we can officially put Michelle Wie on the jailbait list now that she's worth $10 million especially if she wins a tournament.

*If I were Purdue's athletic director I would create a banner commemorating the great years Gene Keady's hair had as a head coach of the Boilermakers.

*Can someone convince Britney that her career is over so she pose nude, or at least try to resurrect it by leaking a sex tape while she still has appeal left.....Hey, it worked for Madonna.

*There's comedy, there's high comedy, there's transcendent comedy, then there's watching a girl after the most heated argument you've seen dramatically turn and walk right into a light post.


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