Thursday, December 27, 2007

Brain Droppings

Random thoughts while sipping on coffee and looking out the window at a 3 car accident.

*Every night before I go to bed I get down on my knees and pray to whoever is listening that they bring back the Nintendo Power Glove. Or at least release The Wizard on DVD.

*G.I. Joe told me that knowing is half the battle. But what's the other half? This bothers me. I sure hope its not running speed.

*I really hope I'm getting the mail from the local karate dojo by accident. Because I don't have any kids that I know of, and I really don't think they want me to sign up for their "beginner program" and end up viciously side kicking some 7 year old kid in the head. Though he probably had it coming.

*A good way to make me suspicious of you is to run by me on the sidewalk while avoiding any and all cracks like your life depended on it. You also have to be in your mid 30's.

*All right powers that be, I hope you didn't expect me to keep a straight face when the kid with cold sores all over his mouth asked me where the Health Services building was. You should know me better than that.

*I'm convinced that the few black squirrels running around campus are, in fact, Ninja Squirrels.

*You're guaranteed a good conversation when you stop and talk to two old men sitting on their porch enjoying the day. Each holding an icy cold 40 ounce Bud.

*Please, bachelorettes, I do not want a "suck for a buck". Don't even approach me unless you're not talking about lolly pops.

*I didn't know this was possible but you can actually go 21+ years without knowing that you have a lisp.

*I hope that I'm not the only one who received numerous "don't eat too much turkey" warnings.

*Is it a complement or a sign I have a problem when upon hearing that its going to be a open bar wedding I'm told not to drink it all?

*Nobody can read a letter better than Casey Kasem.

*There's comedy, there's high comedy, there's transcendent comedy, then there's driving down the highway and noticing that someone has painted two huge penises right on the road.


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